
Please use this form to contact us. We are sorry but we still have a massive email backlog situation and most often Brigitte cannot reply straight away. She tries to make sure your overall waiting time for your whistle is not longer than if she were able to contact you straight away with information. You would be latest contacted by her when the key you are looking for is in the making or finished for choosing with me. Unfortunately this reply system does have flaws and important is you give information on the key you are looking for.
If you are looking for a D, please say, i.e. High or Soprano or Low or Tenor. 
If you have technical questions or specific requests for a whistle and Brigitte asks you to call me, please call. We found it is easier and quicker for me to explain or demonstrate with a whistle on the phone what you like to know than via emails back and forth. It would help the overall reply time and possibly your waiting time as well.

In any case feel free to call us if you have questions on instruments or repair services. Our phone number is ++49 2431 3014. It would be good to also add your phone number to your message so that we have an alternative way to contact you. 

* Please also read the News page to be aware of the delay in answering emails at the moment *

Please calculate 1 plus 6.